Alpha Version 1.1 - Changelog

Alpha Version 1.1 is finally upon us! Many of you are already aware of the contents that were planned for this thanks to a patreon post made a while ago. So I won't go into complete detail here, but the Shop and Inventory have found their way into the game along with money and items! A quick word: We know this version has a few bugs still that we are aware of and are going to post in our Discord in a bit of time. We wanted to get this out before the holidays officially start and will work on this version some more. So please bear with us and expect 1.1a that will hopefully add a bit more polish in a few areas. (Excuse the short log, as we forgot to take note of some of the bugfixes and QOL changes we did)


- Art for shop, shopkeep, items, inventory and more...
- Shop has been added. Use it to buy or sell your items. You may also talk to our shopkeep. A more advanced way to talk with her and the quest feature requested by one of our players will be implemented in the future.

- 4 items are ready to be used. Coffee to refill your HP, cigs to restore your arousal, bubblegum to slow down the decision wheel and a magnifying glass to reveal hidden areas.

- Enemies now drop a bit of money. Pick it up and to buy items in the shop.

- Inventory has been added. You need a place to store your items after all and this is where you can use them, link them to a quick use function or even discard them if you don't want them anymore for...some reason.

Quality of life
- Options are now accessible from ingame
- Action hotkey was changed to item quickuse (X -> L)
- Action key is now shared with attack
- Minor camera adjustments
- Minor gameplay adjustment

Files 36 MB
Dec 24, 2020

Get Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover


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(1 edit)

Please update the file format - it is impossible to download the game via a desktop app. I am unsure how it works but maybe you just need to add an unzipped variant (upload a folder) in order for it to work.